Last week Sunday, 9 February, we had the privilege of witnessing the baptism of three children in our congregation: Clara (daughter of Stephan and Clarisse Boessenkool), and Shiloh and Myla (daughters of Jordy and Helen Fortuin). Baptisms of believers’ children are always a very special occasion in the life of our church.
Baptism is a physical sign of a spiritual reality, which is that these children here are a part of God’s covenant family, because they have been born to Christian parents. These children’s baptism recognises that covenant reality, the spiritual privilege of being part of the household of God.
It does not mean they are automatically saved because we spinkle them with some water. As they mature, they must believe and trust in the Lord Jesus, to claim for themselves God’s promises of eternal life. As these children grow up in their Christian home and in our church community, we pray that they will come to love Jesus as their Lord and Saviour always, and so be born again.
Let us always take special care of the children in our church community, so that this next generation may grow up to stand firm in the Gospel.