Church is more than just a Sunday gathering, it’s a community of believers sharing life together.
Fellowship Groups are a place to cultivate a relationship with God and friendships with others. Each group expects to experience Jesus Christ in its midst, enabling those who attend to be transformed by ministering to each other and through experiencing life in the family of God through we study of his Word.
We have many Fellowship Groups and each one is unique. Some meet at church while others meet at homes. Most groups begin with some catching up and socialising. The group leader will then usually start the meeting in worship or prayer.
The Bible is then opened, read, reflected on and discussed. God’s timeless Word is then applied into our lives. Meeting generally end in a time of sharing and prayer.
The best way to join a group is to sign up below and we will help you find a group that best suits you.
If you’re already a member of one of our fellowship groups, speak with your group leader about it, as we have a leader training programme in place. All of our leaders are required to go through our leadership training programme before leading a group. We are constantly looking to identify and train new leaders.
If you’re new and keen to get involved in a Fellowship Group, get in touch and we’ll do our best to find a group that best fits your needs and your schedule.