“Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.”

– Isaiah 45:22

We were privileged to hold our first Mission Partner Feedback session this past Sunday, between the 08:30 and 10:30 services, and thank God for blessing us in this way. 4the1, a Christian NGO, who labour in God’s harvest field just down the road in Sir Lowry’s Pass Village, were our guests. Tracy Elliot, Damian Titus, Esther Visser and Anita Steele were able to pack a lot into the 30 minutes! They shared with us about God’s faithfulness in guiding and providing for the work over the rocky course of the past 3 years, the vision (“to instil hope in Sir Lowry’s Pass Village by showing God’s love through faith to the glory of God”) and long term plans for the future, one of which is purchasing a property in the Village and establishing a centre. Some of the children who attend 4the1 afternoon sessions also spoke. Mikey enjoys “WenWen” the most – he excels at memorising Bible verses; Lulama attended CCSW Bible Holiday Club and learnt about God’s power in the story of Jesus healing the blind man; and Eshan likes going as he can be an example to the younger kids.

An encouraging range of ages were present, from Aunty Audrey visiting from Helderberg Village Church on her 92nd birthday, through the ‘middle agers’, down to students, high-schoolers and a near toddler. God’s mission here on earth is for all His people of all ages and abilities. Watch this space for future Updates!

Visit www.ccsw.org.za/partners to meet our other mission partners and consider how you can be involved

“All the nations You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your Name.”

– Psalm 86:9



