SYNOD 2022

With Synod behind us, we can reflect on the past week with much thankfulness. It was such a blessing to be able to meet with all the REACH-SA leaders, ministers and delegates in person for the first time in over 2 years.

The ministry feedback from the various regions was both encouraging and also very sobering. It was so encouraging to hear about new church plants and stories of genuine Gospel growth. However, the current economic situation and the various challenges our country is facing has greatly impacted many churches in our denomination. KZN, in particular, is a province with great need and this is all the more evident when it comes to the front lines of ministry work. We were reminded of how dependent we are on God and that much wisdom is needed to navigate these difficult times.

It was a real pleasure having Dr. Conrad Mbewe preach a number of times as he exposited God’s Word. The main theme of his talks were based on his Book called “Gods Design for the Church”. His message was a timeous reminder of the role and responsibility of the church, especially given the current political and racial challenges we face in South Africa.

We were also encouraged by how many people said that they had a great time at this year's Synod. Much of the success of this years Synod is due to the hard work of church volunteers. Planning and running a conference like Synod is no small task, and so we would like to thank all who served. It certainly made the water shortage and load shedding much more bearable!

Praise God for his goodness and his ongoing provision as we continue to pray for our denomination.



