On Monday 27th May our church met for the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Around 150 adults attended, which was really encouraging.

With our minds on the General Election two days later, Gavin started the meeting by reading from Romans 13:

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

Ministry Updates

There were various updates from members of the Leadership Team including Gavin, Sean, Lindo, Johan, Hakeem and Freddy Ward (Missions Action Team).

Each person gave an update on the ministry they’re involved in, with highlights from the year so far, as well as areas to offer prayerful thanks and praise to God.

A new Church Treasurer

Rob Clover gave an update on the church finances. Rob has been our Treasurer for the past 15 years, using his financial expertise to serve our church with such dilligence. He is handing over that role to Andrew Morton in the near future.

We thank God for Rob and his faithful and selfless service.

Church Council and Wardens

Several of the existing Church Council members were up for re-election. This was done via secret ballot, with 100% “yes votes” coming through for each one.

Jerry Gilbert will continue as the Rector’s Warden with Stephen Quirke continuing as the Peoples’ Warden.

Sigrid Holscher joins the Leadership Team

Gavin announced that Sigrid will be joining the staff team in a full-time, paid capacity from 1 June. He explained that her role will be “Ministry Operations Manager”. Sigrid comes to us with 15 years of operational experience from George Whitfield College. She also has a BTh from GWC.

Sigrid joined CCSW 2 years ago. She has been part of the central Wednesday evening Fellowship Group as well as singing in a music team and assisting Hakeem with administration.

Please pray for Sigrid - that God would use her to serve our church well in the years ahead. Please also pray that this would be a season of encouragement and personal growth for her as she gets stuck in and tackles new challenges.

Sabbatical Plans

Gavin gave an update on his sabbatical plans between mid-June and mid-September. Sean will be managing things in his absence.

Johan will also be away with his family during this time.

Time of prayer

We spent the last part of the AGM praying together in small groups. The focus of our prayers was the General Election as well as the future of CCSW.

We thank God for how He continues to grow us as a church - both spiritually and numerically. May we never lose sight of the privilege that it is to be co-workers in His vineyard, with all the glory going to Him!

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”



