Kairos Ministry – God’s Special Time

Outreach in the Drakenstein Prison

“I was in prison and you visited me…” Matt 25:36

Kairos Ministries has long been involved in prison ministry and CCSW has long supported the work of the Kairos team that serves at Drakenstein Prison, outside Franschhoek. (Some might remember baking biscuits for the outreach weekends – a major drawcard. Or making prayer chains to hang around the prison meeting rooms. And those from our midst who were actual team members, working with the inmates, will certainly remember that!).

The reality of God’s salvation to us in Jesus, how He moves us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His marvellous Light, is clearly shown as hardened criminals are transformed by God’s forgiveness and love, finding joy, peace and a new, eternal life, both inside the prison as they serve out their sentences, and later, outside the prison walls. 

We were privileged to have some of the Kairos team, led by Gavin Cooper, visit us this past Sunday to share about their work. The time included a powerful testimony from a young man previously incarcerated at Drakenstein. He told of his meeting with Jesus, being given Christian family in the Kairos team, and the joy of walking daily with the Spirit.

Kairos ministers to the prisoners on the “inside”. It does this through weekend outreaches, followed-up by regular mentor-mentee meetings with those who have come to know the Lord. Kairos TORCH weekends focus specifically on the young men (under 25 years) in the maximum security area. Kairos has found favour with the prison authorities, as God’s powerful hand is seen to completely change seemingly unchangeable lives. 

Kairos also ministers to those on the “outside”, the prisoners’ loved ones who are often overlooked, particularly the women.

We learnt that there are opportunities, large and small, but all of great value, to serve and help Kairos, both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’.  

  • A heads up that the next Kairos TORCH outreach is in April 2025. If you are interested in serving on the team, please contact Gavin Cooper on rodcamcoo@gmail.com

  • To find out more about Kairos, visit www.kairosministry.org.za

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  • Contact any of the Mission Action Team members if you’d like to know more about the Missions work at CCSW. More info on CCSW Mission Partners also found here.



